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Our Thoughts (or the lack of them)

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01 February 2006

Drinks again

My favourite alcoholic drinks are either beer or burbon. I'm not fussy over the brand of beer that i drink, but i mostly like either draught or lager beer. But I usually end up drinking either, Stella Artois, Lion Brown, Steinlager, and sometimes Tui And I really only ever drink Jim Beam with coke or L&P or Sprite, but I've never tried Jack Daniels before. I hear it's more expensive than Jim Beam but is ment to be of a higher quality. But Jim Beam seems good enough and i'd rather a lower price anyway;) And I've been brewing some beer at home recently. For $10, I got a beer brewing mixture, which we have made about 23 Litres of beer from. It was difficult finding enough bottles for that as it was;) We've tried the beer and it tasted alright, but I thought that it had a stronger alcoholic taste to it than "normal beers" which gave me that "sickening feeling" a lot faster than "normal beers" would;)